My best so far

Katsuragi Road Hashimoto-in

2024-04-07 Cherry blossoms are in full bloom in my neighborhood, but avoiding busy people, visited a small temple called Hashimoto-in located in the south of N…

Wind Chime Festival at Ofusa Kannon

2023-8-25 I heard that the wind chime festival is held in every summer at the Ofusa Kannon in Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture, then visited the place. Many win…

Lotus flowers at Fujiwara Palace Ruins

2023-7-19 Muggy summer days continue recently. In a cooler early morning, visited Fujiwara Palace ruins where a lot of lotus flowers are planted. It was very c…

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  • SIGMA sd Quattro H, DP Merrill
  • SIGMA lenses
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  • Sony a7 ii
  • old lenses (M42, exakta, etc.)
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  • anime-like pictures