Akame 48 Waterfalls


I visited the walking route of Akame 48 waterfalls in Mie Prefecture in a fine autumn day. It was my first visit. It was relatively easy to access by motorcycle, but it was much larger scale and much more rocky and steep than I imagined.

When I arrived just after 9am in the morning, there were about only 10 visitors including me. The walking route was so quiet that I could hear nothing but the sound of waterflow. The route map shows that it takes around 3 hours for a round trip of the entire route, but I returned from the position of around 1/3 of the course due to my poor equipment. It was because I had to go up and down steep and slippery rocky stairs, and it would be a bit dangerous for me that day.

Mountain stream

(SIGMA DP2 Merrill)

Fudo Falls (about 250m from the entrance)

(SIGMA DP3 Merrill)

Water stream above the waterfall

(SIGMA DP2 Merrill)

Sunny walking path

(SIGMA DP2 Merrill)

Clear water

(SIGMA DP2 Merrill)

Senju Falls (about 800m from the entrance)

(SIGMA DP2 Merrill)

Nunobiki Falls (about 900m from the entrance)

(SIGMA DP2 Merrill)

Everything was covered with plants or moss. It was fun to take the waterfall photos with longer exposure (say 1 second), but it was also fun to take low profile plants around my feet.

Plants on rocks

(SIGMA DP3 Merrill)

A tree stands in the back-light

