Iga Ueno Sweets Road
I learned that there is a place called Sweets Road in Iga City, Mie Prefecture, then visited there. As I arrived too early in the morning, visited Iga Ueno Castle first.

The castle is famous for its tall stone walls surrounded. Ducks were swimming in the moat of the castle.

The maple leaves were beautiful also.

After leaving the castle, it was the time to walk the sweets road. If you buy a street map that comes with 5 tickets at just 700 yen, you can exchange one ticket for one sweets at 5 shops of your choice. On that day, I got the following 5 sweets!

The town around the shopping street was so nostalgic.

There was the Sugawara Shrine and cows were worshiped.

The all sweets shops were very nice. I was surprised to hear that Kagiya rice cake shop has 360-year history and the current owner is the 17th.
