March 2023
Tanzan Shrine in Sakurai City Nara
2023-3-31 As gotten warmer, I visited Tanzan Shrine in Tonomine, Sakurai City, Nara by motorcycle. Even though the shrine stands in the deep mountain forests, several couples of tourists were visiting from early morning. The cherry blossoms were in full bloom here also. Its website says that the current buildings were built in the 1600s […]
Cherry blossoms along the Saho River
2023-3-26 Along the Saho river in Nara city, there are places where cherry tree lines can be seen more than 1 km. In early April, cherry trees have full bloom and crowded with people who come to see them every year. This year, the flowers were in full earlier than usual in the end of […]
Creating an illustration like image from photos - part 2
Last time, I used K-means clustering to do dimensionality reduction of images to convert photos to images like Eizin Suzuki’s illustration. The converted images look like an illustration, but the color tone was very dark and it was far from the pop flavor art that the illustrator draws. In K-means, the centroids of clusters are […]